Identity Design

Identity Design
Web Design

Identity Design
3D Design

Short Film
Sound Design

Poster Design

Editorial Design
Print Design

Web Design
Interactive Design

Identity Design
Poster Design

Editorial Design
Print Design

Immersive Experience
Sound Design

Book Cover Design

Identity Design
Print Design

Mixed Media
Projection Mapping
Sound Design

Poster Design
Interactive Design
Print Design

Exhibition Design

Exhibition Design


Coming Soon..
UI/UX Design


Coming Soon..
3D Design


Coming Soon..
Speculative Design
Identity Design
Poster Design

Letters Left Undelivered

✷ souvenir design 

Souvenirs hold sentimental value for me, evoking cherished memories. I take delight in penning letters to my dear friends and capturing moments in photographs to revisit later. In this context, my souvenirs take the form of a collection of postcards, each enclosed in its own envelope. These photographs hold a special place in my heart, and I hope that by pondering the accompanying questions and writings, they will spark memories that inspire you to craft something personal as well. These postcards can serve as a form of self-reflection or as a gentle nudge to reach out to those you hold dear and miss.

sound on